
Discover your data's world

Did you know your data can talk with you? SmartyData is language for them.

Your data is at your fingertips

SmartyData is an e-commerce data analysis program that uses business intelligence and data mining, which is developed by prioritizing needs for e-commerce. With Smartydaya, you can explore all your data unlimitedly.

Accelerate your success

We can help you make faster, more informed decisions about your data and your work.Magnify your business with accurate and reliable ffanalysis.

Create powerful reports

Connect hundreds of sources with SmartyData, easily prepare data and create powerful reports in a few minutes.

Get regular notifications

We are always with you with action notifications.You can receive notifications when the data changes and have a detailed look at the reports. To pass other companies, SmartyData tells you What/Where/When Trend is...

Easy and fast use

Responsive design with all devices. Where and when you want, you can access reports from any device. Quickly discover your data using search or filtering.

Deliver your requests instantly

You can contact us directly via SmartyData requests menu and report your requests and complaints

Your data is safe

Each data packet exchanged on the system is protected by state-of-the-art encryption techniques. No data loss. No one else can access your data.

Smartydata Panel İmage

How SmartyData works ?

Go to analysis from the data in minutes.


You can quickly become a member by filling out the registration form. The only information you need to access your data is the service information of your e-commerce provider. Once you are a member, you can automatically start transferring your data by entering your service information via the SmartyData panel. Click here to register.


Your business generates a lot of data every day.Data extracted from the mine must be analyzed and meaningful data must be reached. Smartydata ensures that large data is processed and finalized in a short time.It collects and organizes your data and gives you a stronger data market.


Smartydata processes basic data ,such as member ,product, order information, and so forth , of your store and offers usage of processed data, with pivot tables and visual graphics. With visual graphics, you can define outstanding details or points where improvements are needed and thanks to the generated cubes, you can easily get reports of units that are related to each other. Create hundreds of reports in seconds.

Mobile Panel İmage

Make decisions based on data

Find the right solution for your business.

Manage a more profitable business

With data-driven intelligence, you can empower people in your organization.You can increase sales efficiency by providing employees with instant access to product information, sales data and more. You can create more accurate pricing strategies to help increase profitability and you can make more informed decisions that affect your business positively.

Use strong analysis to manage customer losses

We can offer customers better prices than ever before. You can see more clearly the changing consumer preferences and customer buying tendencies and offer better promotions and marketing campaigns.

Use past data to make more accurate predictions

You can also learn about the future, not just the current situation. SmartyData offers forecasts for sales, inventory and profit for the future. This allows you to have a broader and more detailed vision.

Create your own dashboards

Next to the default data cubes, create your own multidimensional data cubes. You can visualize the cubes you create with pivot tables or various graphs, and you can export your reports to Excel. Apart from the default dashboard, you can create new dashboards of your own cubes and see all the analyzes you want at a glance.

Choose the best price for you

Start Up


Per Month

  • Olap Cubes (Multidimensional Database)
  • Big Data Process
  • Data Summarization (Pivot)
  • 11.000 Order
  • 50 Cubes
Get Started



Per Month

  • Olap Cubes (Multidimensional Database)
  • Big Data Process
  • Data Summarization (Pivot)
  • 111.000 Order
  • 150 Cubes
  • 2 Currency
Get Started
Frequently asked questions
What is SmartyData?

SmartyData is business intelligence and data visualization software. Processes order data by using business intelligence of your e-commerce site. Provides instant visualization of data. It allows you to receive reports and statistics very quickly.

What infrastructures can SmartData be integrated into?

Smartydata is integrated with the world's leading e-commerce infrastructure: T-Soft, Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, OpenCart

Is SmartyData paid?

According to your order number, there are package prices starting from$ 50 per month up to 11,000 orders. You can use 1 month free demo.

Do I have to check SmartyData all the time?

You do not have to constantly check..Come to us whenever you wish.We're always with you with action notifications.

What method does SmartyData use to visualize data?

Visualize your data using bar, pie, radar, and bubble charts and regional maps.Reports with Pivot Table and list views.

Does SmartyData have language support?

Turkish and English language support is available.

Make sure you call our customers before you make a decision, they'll tell you the right thing to do. We trust ourselves and our customers.
Reference Customer Marasmarket Logo
Reference Customer Mado Logo
Reference Customer Duvee Logo
Reference Customer Ravza Logo
Reference Customer Ucla Logo